I can’t believe TCM is showing – what I think is – all of Akira Kurosawa‘s movies this March! Excitedly Tweeted as Robert Osborne dictated the dates and schedules straight from my TV screen lol.

RT filmbuffs – TCM PRESENTS KUROSAWA FILMS: Showtimes (EST) 3/10, 9.30; 3/16, 8.00pm, 3/17, 1:15am, 3/27, 6am-8pm, 3/30, 8pm-1:45am!!!

Didn’t think I missed one though – until Kirk, tech and culture-buddy from Kitchener and co-ideaCity alumnus, commented that “Ran” was shown last weekend already.

Well guess what’s laying unopened in my DVD collection.

Notice the 3M tape on the right side open flap. 5 for $20, Pacific Mall (circa 2006).

Thank you $3 bootleg hunt, Pacific Mall.